There are many things the user can mold to whatever extent the player wishes. The Adventure creator enables the user complete and total control over everything on the adventure planet. There is an Adventure creator, and sharing missions over the Sporepedia is possible.If all nearby systems have been visited, gas giants are converted into the adventure planets. The game then scans for star systems that have not been visited by the player yet to place the adventure planet. Adventure planets are chosen when the player requests a mission from an empire. The Hologram Scout will still be in the game for exploration of other normal planets. Player's flesh-and-blood captains can only beam down onto adventure planets.Players can either enter adventures by requesting a mission from another empire while in a Space Stage game and then flying to the planet and beaming down, or they can use an option called "quick play" that allows players to enter adventures directly from the main menu instead.Players can design absolutely any type of city they want in the creator, from ancient style stone castles to large metal complexes of the future, by piecing together all sorts of buildings. City make-up can be much more complex in the Adventure creator.By setting a hollow vehicle to stationary and with even more flexible game-play, a vehicle can stand in for a building, like a caravan. Players can set the speed of an object, which can range from 0 to 5 (like in the Creature stage).Also, players can add labels to items by setting the speech bubble type to caption. Speech will be translated by means of speech balloon text. Unlike in the space stage, creature languages are not determined by their archetype. Players can make dialogue for their creatures.They can also tilt it in more different ways.
By using the Ctrl key, players can make buildings rise or sink, at any altitude they want, similar to the Building Editor. They can be flat on land as normal, but they can also be placed on water, although there will be no underwater editors or features of any kind included.
Creatures are then able to use social and offensive abilities on objects (e.g creatures, buildings, vehicles, etc), like that of the Creature Stage. One of its new features is the ability for the player's creature to beam down and move around the planet freely, as well as new missions assigned by empires in the Space Stage that require to use this ability.